'Life is like the ocean' print.

Our prints are printed digitally by the designers in our studio situated in West Sussex. We use high quality 160gsm satin finish photo paper.

All of our prints are available either framed or unframed.  Choose between our new frame options, either white or black smooth wood effect.  Prints purchased unframed are without a mount, and packaged in cellophane with thick quality board.

made from:

160gsm satin finish photo paper


Overall size 23 x 23 cm

Actual print size 12 x 12 cm

'Life is like the Ocean' Print

'Life is like the Ocean' Print


blue lagoon

'Life is like the ocean' print.

Our prints are printed digitally by the designers in our studio situated in West Sussex. We use high quality 160gsm satin finish photo paper.

All of our prints are available either framed or unframed.  Choose between our new frame options, either white or black smooth wood effect.  Prints purchased unframed are without a mount, and packaged in cellophane with thick quality board.

made from:

160gsm satin finish photo paper


Overall size 23 x 23 cm

Actual print size 12 x 12 cm

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